Senator Hawley Vows to Continue Holding China Accountable for COVID-19 Origins and Actions

The recent case of a former Florida State lawmaker pleading guilty to laundering COVID relief money… serves as a reminder of the importance of transparency in the distribution of funds.  Corrupt leaders are caught taking advantage of our country’s funds. 

Meanwhile, the issue of the origins of the COVID-19 virus remains unresolved. People seated in power are still doing everything they can to cover the origins of the virus

Former Florida State Lawmaker Guilty of Laundering COVID Relief Money

Former Florida State Lawmaker, Antonio Sotomayor, has pleaded guilty to laundering COVID relief money. Reports say that he could face up to 35 years in prison. 

Sotomayor admitted to using his consulting firm to receive and launder $19,000 in Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funds. The PPP was designed to provide relief to small businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic…

Sotomayor’s firm received the funds in April 2020. He used them for personal expenses, including car payments and credit card bills. 

The former lawmaker has also admitted to defrauding a federal program that provided relief to small businesses. Specifically, those affected by hurricanes Irma and Michael in 2017. Sotomayor’s sentencing is scheduled for July 7th, and he could face a maximum sentence of 35 years in prison, along with hefty fines…

Sotomayor’s actions are a reminder of the importance of accountability in giving away COVID relief funds. These funds must be used for their intended purposes. Moreover,  those who attempt to defraud these programs are held accountable. 

The Department of Justice has made it clear that they will not tolerate fraud related to COVID relief programs, and this case serves as a warning to others who may attempt to misuse these funds…

Sen Hawley: Accountability is Next After COVID Declassification Bill

Senator Josh Hawley has commended President Joe Biden for signing the COVID-19 Origin Act into law, which requires the Director of National Intelligence to declassify any intelligence related to the origins of COVID-19 within 90 days of the law’s enactment… 

The bill has bipartisan support. It aims to hold China accountable for its role in the spread of COVID-19.

Hawley has been a vocal critic of China’s handling of the pandemic. He believes that this legislation is an important first step towards accountability for China. He has called for a full investigation into the origins of the virus and has stated that the United States needs to take a stronger stance against China…

The senator has also called for the United States to hold China accountable for its: 

  • Human rights abuses
  • Unfair trade practices

He believes that it’s essential to protect the interests of the American people. The senator also wants to ensure that China is held responsible for its actions.

Hawley has pledged to continue working towards holding China accountable. Moreover, he has stated that this legislation is just the beginning. He believes that the United States must take a strong and decisive stand against China to protect the interests of the American people and to ensure that China is held responsible for its actions…

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